1. Bud opening phase - Efecto Zinc 1-2 l/ha2. Pink bud phase - Efecto Bor 1-2 l/ha3. End of flowering phase - Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha4. Post-ovary phase - Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Micro 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha5. Fruit growth phase - Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto PK 1 l/ha6. Post-harvest phase - Efecto Immuno 1 l /ha...
1. Planting of seedlings – Efecto Nitrogen 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha 2. Leaf formation phase - Efecto Nitrogen 1 l/ha + Efecto Micro 1 l/ha 3. Beginning of head formation phase – Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha + Efecto Micro 0.5 l/ha 4. Head formation and growth phase – Efecto PK 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 /ha5. Ripening phase – Efecto PK 1-2 l/ha...
1. Full flowering phase – Efecto boron 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha2. Stone growth phase – Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Bor 1 l/ha3. Ripening phase – Efecto PK 1-2 l/ha4. Post-harvest phase – Efecto zinc 1 l/ha + Efecto Bor 1 l/ha...
1. Foliar treatment in the 3-5 leaf phase - Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha2. Foliar treatment in the 4-6 leaf phase - Efecto Zinc 1-2 l/ha3. Foliar treatment in the 10-12 leaf phase - Efecto Bor 1-2 l/ha or Efecto Bor Active 1 kg/ha4. Treatment of crop residues - Efecto Enzyme 2 l/ha...
1. Seed treatment phase together with a seed treatment agent - Efecto Micro 0.5 l/t2. Phase of 2-3 pairs of leaves - Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha3. Budding phase - Efecto Bor 1-1.5 l/ha + Efecto Micro 0.5 - 1 l/ha4. Treatment of post-harvest residues - Efecto Enzyme 2 l/ha...
Industrial cucumber 1. Seedling phase – Efecto zinc 1 l/ha - Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha 2. Phase up to 5 true leaves – Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Micro 1 l/ha 3. Phase 5-10 true leaves – Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Nitrogen 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha 4. Phase 10-18 true leaves – Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Bor 0.5 l/ha5. Phase 7 days before harvesting – Efecto PK 1-2 l/ha. ..
Composition: Isodecyl alcohol ethoxylate - 90% The main functions of the preparation are that it is a surfactant and adhesive. Mechanism of action: Reduces the surface tension of the solution, improves the quality of treatment with pesticides and agrochemicals.Application regulations: Efecto 90 is used in a concentration of 0.1% (100 ml/100 l of water) at a working fluid consumption rate of 200 to..
Состав: Цинк в органически связанной форме - 3 % Органические полимеры - 10 % Азот в Амидной форме – 1 % Цинк находится в двух хелатных формах: цитратной и LTPA-форме Основная функция препарата - подкормки растений цинком по листу с целью повышения урожайности и качества продукции. Возможно применение препарата в капельном поливе. Механизм действия Среди самых важных физиологических воздейс..