Industrial crops
Industrial crops are cultivated plants that provide raw materials for various industries. The main types of industrial crops are: bast crops that provide raw materials for the textile industry: flax, cotton, jute, hemp and others; rubber plants used in the chemical industry, dyeing, tanning, medicinal plants; raw materials for the food industry: oilseeds, starch plants, sugar plants, spices, tea, coffee; tobacco.
We can develop the most accurate nutrition system for your agricultural crops, having information about the growing zone, the main elements of cultivation technology and soil fertility. Below are general recommendations for each crop.
Photo by Luca Volpe on Unsplash
1. Seed treatment phase together with a seed treatment agent - Efecto Micro 0.5 l/t2. Phase of 2-3 pairs of leaves - Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha3. Budding phase - Efecto Bor 1-1.5 l/ha + Efecto Micro 0.5 - 1 l/ha4. Treatment of post-harvest residues - Efecto Enzyme 2 l/ha...
1. Seed treatment with a seed dressing – Efecto Micro 0.5 l/t2. Treatment in the early branching phase – Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha3. Treatment in the budding phase – Efecto PK 1-2 l/ha...