Fruit crops
Fruit crops, a group of wild and cultivated trees, shrubs, sub-shrubs, perennial shrubs and vines that produce juicy or hard edible fruits
We can develop the most accurate nutrition system for your agricultural crops, having information about the growing zone, the main elements of cultivation technology and soil fertility. Below are general recommendations for each crop.
Photo: www.freepik.com
1. Bud opening phase - Efecto Zinc 1-2 l/ha2. Pink bud phase - Efecto Bor 1-2 l/ha3. End of flowering phase - Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha4. Post-ovary phase - Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Micro 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha5. Fruit growth phase - Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto PK 1 l/ha6. Post-harvest phase - Efecto Immuno 1 l /ha...
1. Full flowering phase – Efecto boron 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha2. Stone growth phase – Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Bor 1 l/ha3. Ripening phase – Efecto PK 1-2 l/ha4. Post-harvest phase – Efecto zinc 1 l/ha + Efecto Bor 1 l/ha...
1. Post-planting or regrowth phase - Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha2. Vegetative growth phase - Efecto Micro 1 l/ha + Efecto Nitrogen 1 l/ha3. Early flowering phase - Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha4. Post-ovary phase - Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha5. Fruit whitening phase - Efecto PK 1-2 l + Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha...
1. Phase after planting or beginning of regrowth - Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha2. Phase of budding and beginning of flowering - Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha3. Ovary phase - Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha...
1. Phase after planting or beginning of regrowth - Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha2. Phase of beginning of flowering - Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha3. Ovary phase - Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha...
1. Planting phase – Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha + Efecto micro 0.5 l/ha2. Pre-flowering phase – beginning of flowering – Efecto Bor 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha3. Ovary phase – Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha4. Fruit enlargement phase – Efecto Nitrogen 1 l/ha + Efecto RK 1-2 l/ha5. Active fruit growth phase – Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha...
1. Phase after planting or beginning of regrowth - Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha2. Phase of beginning of flowering - Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha3. Ovary phase - Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha + Efecto PK 1 l/ha4. Fruit whitening phase - Efecto PK 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha...