Grain legumes, or grain legumes, are a group of agricultural crops belonging to the legume family (Fabaceae). The main grain legumes include: peas; vetch; soybeans; lentils; mung bean; cowpea; peanuts; chickpeas; fodder beans; lupines; peanuts.
The nutritional value of grain legumes is determined by the content and quality of crude protein, carbohydrates, oil, essential amino acids and their digestibility.
We can develop the most accurate nutrition system for your agricultural crops, having information about the growing zone, the main elements of cultivation technology and soil fertility. Below are general recommendations for each crop.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
1. Seed treatment with dressing - Efecto Micro 0.5-1 l/t2. Foliar treatment in the 2-3 leaf phase - Efecto Micro 0.5-1 l/ha3. Foliar treatment in the branching phase - Efecto Bor 1 l/ha or Efecto Bor Active 1 kg/ha4. Foliar treatment in the budding, early flowering phase - Efecto Bor 0.5 l/ha5. Foliar treatment in the bean formation phase - Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha6. Treatment of crop residues - E..
1. Phase of 2 true leaves – Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha2. Phase of 4 true leaves – Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha3. Phase of 6 true leaves – Efecto Magnesium 1-2 l/ha + Efecto Micro 0.5 l/ha4. Phase of 8 true leaves – Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Immuno 0.5 l/ha5. Phase of 50% row closure – Efecto Bor 1 l/ha + Efecto Magnesium 1 l/ha...
1. Foliar application in the phase of 2-3 pairs of leaves - Efecto Nitrogen 1-2 l/ha2. Foliar application in the phase of 4-6 pairs of leaves - Efecto Micro 1 l/ha3. Foliar application in the star phase - Efecto Bor 1 l/ha or Efecto Bor Active 1 kg/ha4. Treatment of crop residues - Efecto Enzyme 2 l/ha..